Wondrous World of Weeds, by Pat Collins
Wondrous World of Weeds, by Pat Collins

Wondrous World of Weeds, by Pat Collins

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Choose from these inspiring titles by Pat Collins, renowned herbalist based in the Upper Hunter and 

Wondrous World of Weeds

This comprehensive and practical guide features more than 300 stunning, close-up images to help identify weeds as well as a full descriptions, list of common names, environmental impact, uses and medicinal value for each plant. It covers a full range of weeds from those annoying plants that pop up in the garden to majestic trees. 

An excellent reference guide to all the medicinal and nutritional value of the weeds and common plants found in your own backyard. The perfect accompaniment to one of Pat Collin's Create Your Own Workshops - held regularly at River Flats.


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